Screening, Assessment, and Evaluation (24 Hours)
Screening, Assessment, and Evaluation (OASAS CASAC Section 3)24 hours applicable to: CASAC initial and renewal:
OASAS approved education provider # 0415NAADAC approved education provider #254148
Substance use disorders are commonly seen in patients in medical practices and are frequently comorbid with other medical and psychiatric disorders.
Considerable societal stigma exists toward patients with addictive disorders; healthcare providers also have negative attitudes toward these patients.
The identification, assessment, and referral for treatment of patients are strongly influenced by physician attitudes and life experiences with personal, family, or prior patients' substance use.
Practical tools and strategies help clinicians recognize the physiologic and behavioral red flags of addiction and elicit a substance use history in a nonjudgmental manner, so they can make the appropriate diagnosis and develop a patient-specific plan for treatment and referral.
Client motivation and commitment to treatment begin with the assessment and diagnostic phase at intake. Participants in this class will learn the components of the clinical assessment, including the use of a biopsychosocial interview, the use of screening and clinical assessment instruments, the creation of a problem list, assessing the risk of self-harm, the identification of cultural needs and supports, trauma screening, determining the state of readiness for change, client strengths and how this information translates to the treatment plan.
This addiction counselor training course addresses the requirements for drug and alcohol screening and assessment of adults and adolescents.
In this addiction counselor training program, you will be required to understand the components of each tool, emergent care issues, screening options, level of care determination, interviewing techniques, and a review of the DSM-V Criteria for Substance Use Disorders.
You will learn the differences between a screening and an assessment, the key components of a thorough assessment, and develop the skills necessary for effective screening & assessment…
$315.00 USD